For players who want to integrate their favourite FX pedals into the AMP1 guitar system, the optional Looper-Kit extension (featuring four true bypass relay loops) is available, making tap dancing and sound loss on the pedalboard a thing of the past. Details: REMOTE1 is the convenient foot controller with direct access to all of AMP1�s functions, and it also offers the following extensions: a second switchable and adjustable Master Volume and an adjustable PowerSoak. REMOTE1 lets you directly select between the CLEAN, VINTAGE, CLASSIC and MODERN channels, as well enabling you to control BOOST, REVERB and FX-LOOP settings. In addition you can save VOLUME (CLEAN CHANNEL) and GAIN (OVERDRIVE CHANNELS) for each preset separately.A standard jack lead (guitar or speaker cable) connects REMOTE1 to AMP1, and also powers the unit simultaneously. Selecting "Preset Mode� (the Mode Switch will go blue) turns AMP1 into a programmable guitar amp.
Every selection made with the footswitch in Direct Access Mode can be saved in one of the 36 Presets in 4 Banks � 9 Presets. For example, you can save the same tones with different volumes and effects as rhythm and solo sounds. PRESETS and switching external FX Presets with MIDI out: this makes AMP1 a programmable guitar system with MIDI. With each Preset, REMOTE1 sends a MIDI program change command via the MIDI-OUT port to switch external MIDI-enabled effects equipment. This way, with a simple press of the foot you can control all of AMP1�s functions and switch a MIDI effect to the desired Preset all at the same time.